
Charge Exchange Cross Sections

Energy Range
0.300 keV/amu → 500 keV/amu


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H+ + He0 → H0 + He+total
H+ + He0 → H0(n=1) + He+n-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(1s) + He+nl-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(n=2) + He+n-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(2s) + He+nl-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(2p) + He+nl-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(n=3) + He+n-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(3s) + He+nl-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(3p) + He+nl-resolved
H+ + He0 → H0(3d) + He+nl-resolved

  title:         H +0/He(1)  nl  resol. CX dataset KVI#H1  to ADF01 spec.

  Receiver:      H +1

  Donor:         He+0 (ground state )

  Energy range:  0.3-500 keV/amu

  Source:        Data from experimental/theoretical assessment by
                 Hoekstra et al. JET-P(92)08

  Adjustments:   The alpha parameter is determined from the n=2 - n=3
                 decrement.  It is fixed at 3.0 for E>70 keV/amu and at
                 6.5 for E<1keV/amu
                 Sigma(n=3) for E<1keV/amu is deduced from the
                 specified alpha.  Sigma(3l) fractions for E<1keV/amu)
                 are taken to be the same as for E=1keV/amu.
                 The specified alpha is used to deduce
                       sum (sigma(n)) for n>3.
                 Subtraction from sigma(total) gives sigma(n=1).

  Compiler    :  H. P. Summers   22 Dec. 1993


  • Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut
  • Hugh Summers
  • Transitions
  • Comments
  • Origins

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