
Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections

Temperature Range
9.651 eV → 9651 eV


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  • Spontaneous Emission: Ca+14(i) → Ca+14(j) + hv
  • Electron Impact Excitation: Ca+14(i) + e → Ca+14(j) + e
2s2.2p2 3p0 3P0.0 0.0 cm-1
2s2.2p2 3p1 3P1.0 17310.8 cm-1
2s2.2p2 3p2 3P2.0 35420.0 cm-1
2s2.2p2 1d2 1D2.0 110027.0 cm-1
2s2.2p2 1s0 1S0.0 191780.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 5s2 5S2.0 262839.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3d2 3D2.0 496658.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3d1 3D1.0 497606.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3d3 3D3.0 500339.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3p0 3P0.0 579788.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3p1 3P1.0 580951.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3p2 3P2.0 583741.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 3s1 3S1.0 738448.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 1d2 1D2.0 741323.0 cm-1
2s.2p3 1p1 1P1.0 823574.0 cm-1
2p4 3p2 3P2.0 1114750.0 cm-1
2p4 3p1 3P1.0 1140910.0 cm-1
2p4 3p0 3P0.0 1147310.0 cm-1
2p4 1d2 1D2.0 1209900.0 cm-1
2p4 1s0 1S0.0 1366740.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3s 3p0 3P0.0 4121260.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3s 3p1 3P1.0 4126370.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3s 3p2 3P2.0 4156630.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3s 1p1 1P1.0 4174910.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3d1 3D1.0 4246940.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3d2 3D2.0 4269350.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 1p1 1P1.0 4270180.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3d3 3D3.0 4294430.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3s1 3S1.0 4299970.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3p0 3P0.0 4303950.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3p1 3P1.0 4320950.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 3p2 3P2.0 4328580.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 1d2 1D2.0 4357600.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3f2 3F2.0 4400650.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3p 1s0 1S0.0 4402410.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3f3 3F3.0 4415840.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 1d2 1D2.0 4423770.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3f4 3F4.0 4437620.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3d1 3D1.0 4442740.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3p2 3P2.0 4452120.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3d3 3D3.0 4465130.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3d2 3D2.0 4472370.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3p1 3P1.0 4473930.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 3p0 3P0.0 4474910.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 1p1 1P1.0 4516460.0 cm-1
2s2.2p3d 1f3 1F3.0 4518360.0 cm-1
A+14        20        15       7219070.0

  Data generated from CHIANTI version 6.0

  CHIANTI references

  Energy levels :
   %energy levels (n=2): Edlen, B., 1985, Phys.Scripta, 31, 345
   %energy levels (n=3): Martin, W.C., Sugar, J., Musgrove, A., Dalton, G.R., 1995,
      NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 1.0, NIST Standard Reference Database 61.
   %Theoretical energy levels (1-15) : 3 conf model of SSTRUCT
   %Theoretical energy levels (16-46) : Bhatia, A.K., Doschek, G.A., 1993, ADNDT, 53, 195
   % produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   %  E.Landi and P.R.Young 2000

  A-values levels :
   %filename: ca_15.wgfa
   %observed energy levels (n=2): Edlen, B., 1985, Physica Scripta, 31, 345
   %observed energy levels (n=3): Martin, W.C., Sugar, J., Musgrove, A., Dalton, G.R., 1995,
      NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 1.0, NIST Standard Reference Database 61.
   %oscillator strengths (6-46 transitions) : Bhatia, A.K., Doschek, G.A., 1993, ADNDT, 53, 195
   %A values: Froese Fischer & Saha, 1985, Phys. Scripta 32, 181
   %comment: Theoretical energies were used by Froese Fischer & Saha to derive
   	 the transition probabilities, but as the theoretical energies
   	 tabulated in the above paper did not differ from the observed
   	 values by more than 0.5%, it was not deemed necessary to re-scale
   	 the A values to account for this.
   %comment: negative wavelengths have been computed using theoretical energy levels
   % produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % E.Landi and P.R.Young 2000

  Collision strengths :

   %filename: ca_15.splups
   %oscillator strengths: are taken from "superstructure" using a 3
      configuration model of the ion, which was shown to closely match the
      'HF+2p4' oscillator strengths found in Aggarwal, 1983, J.Phys.B, 16, 2231
   %collision strengths transitions 6-46 : Bhatia, A.K., Doschek, G.A., 1993, ADNDT, 53, 195
   %effective collision strengths (transitions 1 - 15): Aggarwal, Berrington & Keenan, 1991, ApJS, 77, 441
   %comment: the authors regard their collisional model to be accurate to ~10%.
   %comment: effective collision strengths were given in the temperature range 5.0 < Log T < 7.0.
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   %  E.Landi and P.R.Young 2000

  Added to ADAS by

  Author : Martin O'Mullane
  Date   : 28/10/10


 Filtered adf04 file to 
  - sort energy levels 
  - remove non physical A values from
    energy level reversals
  - remove energies above ionisation potential
  - remove duplicate transitions

 Code     : ADAS utility program, filter04
 Date     : 28-10-2010
 Producer : Martin O'Mullane              


 Regenerated to use the standard ADAS temperature set.

 Add the transitions in the CHIANTI source which have a transition
 probability but no accompanying effective collision strength and
 set these upsilons to zero.

 Update : Martin O'Mullane
 Date   : 28-10-2010


  • Kanti Aggarwal
  • Keith Berrington
  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Processes
  • States
  • Comments
  • Origins

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