
Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections

Temperature Range
2.757 eV → 2757 eV


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  • Spontaneous Emission: Fe+7(i) → Fe+7(j) + hv
  • Electron Impact Excitation: Fe+7(i) + e → Fe+7(j) + e
3p6.3d 2d3/2 2D1.5 0.0 cm-1
3p6.3d 2d5/2 2D2.5 1836.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4d1/2 4D0.5 385117.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4d3/2 4D1.5 386029.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4d5/2 4D2.5 387571.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4d7/2 4D3.5 389849.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4g11/2 4G5.5 408287.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4g9/2 4G4.5 409895.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4g7/2 4G3.5 411900.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4p5/2 4P2.5 412945.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4g5/2 4G2.5 414070.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4p3/2 4P1.5 415964.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4p1/2 4P0.5 418173.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4f3/2 4F1.5 424038.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4f5/2 4F2.5 425317.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4f9/2 4F4.5 425897.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 4f7/2 4F3.5 426733.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2d5/2 2D2.5 430228.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2f5/2 2F2.5 431250.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2d3/2 2D1.5 432013.0 cm-1
3p6.4s 2s1/2 2S0.5 433540.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2f7/2 2F3.5 434555.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2p1/2 2P0.5 440344.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2p3/2 2P1.5 445806.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2h11/2 2H5.5 446481.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2f7/2 2F3.5 447658.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2g7/2 2G3.5 451232.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2g9/2 2G4.5 454098.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2h9/2 2H4.5 456493.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1d) 2f5/2 2F2.5 459367.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4d7/2 4D3.5 461691.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4d5/2 4D2.5 463050.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4d3/2 4D1.5 464977.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4d1/2 4D0.5 466839.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 2d3/2 2D1.5 483828.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2g9/2 2G4.5 484807.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 2d5/2 2D2.5 487784.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 4s3/2 4S1.5 490366.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 2s1/2 2S0.5 490369.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1g) 2g7/2 2G3.5 494249.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1s) 2p3/2 2P1.5 508518.0 cm-1
3p6.4p 2p1/2 2P0.5 510277.0 cm-1
3p6.4p 2p3/2 2P1.5 515550.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(1s) 2p1/2 2P0.5 520822.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2f5/2 2F2.5 535909.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2f7/2 2F3.5 541755.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 2p1/2 2P0.5 591964.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3p) 2p3/2 2P1.5 595152.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2d5/2 2D2.5 596463.0 cm-1
3p5.3d2(3f) 2d3/2 2D1.5 597065.0 cm-1
3p6.4d 2d3/2 2D1.5 667186.0 cm-1
3p6.4d 2d5/2 2D2.5 667602.0 cm-1
3p6.4f 2f5/2 2F2.5 763703.0 cm-1
3p6.4f 2f7/2 2F3.5 763799.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3p).4s 4p1/2 4P0.5 826053.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3p).4s 4p3/2 4P1.5 828470.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3p).4s 4p5/2 4P2.5 833004.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3p).4s 2p1/2 2P0.5 837661.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3p).4s 2p3/2 2P1.5 842829.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 4f9/2 4F4.5 844999.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 4f7/2 4F3.5 847145.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 4f5/2 4F2.5 849899.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 4f3/2 4F1.5 852849.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 2f7/2 2F3.5 855100.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3f).4s 2f5/2 2F2.5 860615.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 4d7/2 4D3.5 874711.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 4d5/2 4D2.5 876765.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 4d3/2 4D1.5 877476.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 4d1/2 4D0.5 878264.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1d).4s 2d5/2 2D2.5 879021.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1d).4s 2d3/2 2D1.5 881345.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1f).4s 2f5/2 2F2.5 884331.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1f).4s 2f7/2 2F3.5 887325.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 2d3/2 2D1.5 889113.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(3d).4s 2d5/2 2D2.5 890845.0 cm-1
3p6.5f 2f5/2 2F2.5 927024.0 cm-1
3p6.5f 2f7/2 2F3.5 927084.0 cm-1
3p6.6f 2f5/2 2F2.5 1016830.0 cm-1
3p6.6f 2f7/2 2F3.5 1016880.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1p).4s 2p3/2 2P1.5 1032950.0 cm-1
3p5.3d(1p).4s 2p1/2 2P0.5 1032950.0 cm-1
3p6.7f 2f5/2 2F2.5 1072760.0 cm-1
3p6.7f 2f7/2 2F3.5 1072880.0 cm-1

  Data generated from CHIANTI version 6.0

  CHIANTI references

  Energy levels :
   %Experimental energy levels: Martin, W.C., Sugar, J., Musgrove, A., Dalton, G.R., 1999,
       NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 2.0, NIST Standard Reference Database 61
   %Experimental energy levels (3p6.4d levels - 51,52): Ekberg, J.O. & Feldman U., 2003, ApJ, 595, 517
   %Experimental energy levels (3,4,5,6,35,36,40): Landi, E. & Young, P.R., 2009, ApJ, submitted
   %theoretical energy levels: Griffin, D.C., Pindzola, M.S., Badnell, N.R., 2000, A&ASS, 142, 317
   %theoretical energy levels n=5,6,7: Czyzak,S.J., Krueger,T.K., 1966, ApJ, 144, 381
   %Comment: Shirai,T., Sugar,J., Musgrove,A., Wiese,W.L., 2000, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, Monograph 8 report
             an inversion of energies between levels 70 and 72 (same J). For consistency with Griffin
             et al 2000, who adapted their atomic structure calculation to a set of observed energies
             identical to the NIST one, we use the NIST v.2 level ordering.

             The energies for 3p5.3d2 4DJ (levels 3-6) have been updated using the
             lines observed between 253.9 and 255.8 angstroms in Hinode/EIS spectra.

             The energy for 3p5.3ds 2G7/2 (levels 40) has been updated using the
             line observed at 206.78 angstroms by Hinode/EIS. The theoretical
             splitting for the doublet has been used to update the theoretical
             energy for level 39 (2G9/2).
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % E.Landi and P.R.Young  -   Nov 2008

  A-values levels :
   %filename: fe_8.wgfa
   %Experimental energy levels: Martin, W.C., Sugar, J., Musgrove, A., Dalton, G.R., 1999,
       NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 2.0, NIST Standard Reference Database 61
   %Experimental energy levels (3p6.4d levels - 51,52): Ekberg, J.O. & Feldman U., 2003, ApJ, 595, 517
   %Experimental energy levels (3,4,5,6,35,36,40): Landi, E. & Young, P.R., 2009, ApJ, submitted
   %theoretical energy levels: Griffin, D.C., Pindzola, M.S., Badnell, N.R., 2000, A&ASS, 142, 317
   %theoretical energy levels n=5,6,7: Czyzak,S.J., Krueger,T.K., 1966, ApJ, 144, 381
   %Comment: Shirai,T., Sugar,J., Musgrove,A., Wiese,W.L., 2000, J.Phys.Chem.Ref.Data, Monograph 8 report
             an inversion of energies between levels 70 and 72 (ssame J). For consistency with Griffin
             et al 2000, who adapted their atomic structure calculation to a set of observed energies
             identical to the NIST v.2 one, we use the NIST v.2 level ordering.
   %Radiative data: Griffin, D.C., Pindzola, M.S., Badnell, N.R., 2000, A&ASS, 142, 317
   %Radiative data n=5,6,7: Czyzak,S.J., Krueger,T.K., 1966, ApJ, 144, 381
   %Radiative data 1 - 2 transition: Martin, W.C., Sugar, J., Musgrove, A., Dalton, G.R., 1999,
         NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 2.0, NIST Standard Reference Database 61
   %Radiative data for levels with J=9/2, 11/2: calculated using SUPERSTRUCTURE, with the configurations
                  3s2.3p6.3d, 3s2.3p5.3d2, 3s2.3p5.3d.4s, 3s2.3p6.4s, 3s2.3p6.4p, 3s2.3p6.4d, 3s2.3p6.4f,
                  3s2.3p4.3d3, 3s2.3p3.3d4
   %comment: SUPERSTRUCTURE radiative data have been corrected for the differences between experimental
             and SUPERSTRUCTURE transition wavelength differences, where experimental values were available.
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % E.Landi and P.R.Young   -   Nov 2008

  Collision strengths :

   %filename: fe_8.splups
   %Oscillator strengths: Griffin, D.C., Pindzola, M.S., Badnell, N.R., 2000, A&ASS, 142, 317
   %Effective collision strengths: Griffin, D.C., Pindzola, M.S., Badnell, N.R., 2000, A&ASS, 142, 317
   %collision strengths and gf values n=5,6,7:  Czyzak,S.J., Krueger,T.K., 1966, ApJ, 144, 381
   %comment: effective collision strengths were provided in the temperature range 4.5 < Log T < 6.5
   %comment: added collisional data for transitions involving levels 21,25,28,29,39. They affect
             level populations at electron densities larger than 10^9 cm^-3 (June 2003).
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % Enrico Landi - June 2003

  Added to ADAS by

  Author : Martin O'Mullane
  Date   : 28/10/10


 Level list :

     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
    11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
    21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30
    31  32  33  34  35  36  37  38  39  40
    41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
    51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60
    61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70
    71  72  73  74  75  76  77  78  79  80
    81  82  83

 Original level order :

     1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9  10
    11  12  13  14  15  16  17  18  19  20
    21  22  23  24  25  26  27  28  29  30
    31  32  33  34  35  39  36  37  38  40
    41  42  43  44  45  46  47  48  49  50
    51  52  53  54  55  56  57  58  59  60
    61  62  63  64  65  66  67  68  69  70
    71  72  73  74  75  78  79  80  81  76
    77  82  83


 Filtered adf04 file to 
  - sort energy levels 
  - remove non physical A values from
    energy level reversals
  - remove energies above ionisation potential
  - remove duplicate transitions

 Code     : ADAS utility program, filter04
 Date     : 28-10-2010
 Producer : Martin O'Mullane              


 Regenerated to use the standard ADAS temperature set.

 Update : Martin O'Mullane
 Date   : 28-10-2010


  • Nigel Badnell
  • Don Griffin
  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Processes
  • States
  • Comments
  • Origins

Data Classes