
Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections

Temperature Range
0.689 eV → 68.93 eV


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  • Spontaneous Emission: O+1(i) → O+1(j) + hv
  • Electron Impact Excitation: O+1(i) + e → O+1(j) + e
  • Free Electron Recombination: O+2(i) + e → O+1(j)
2p3 4S1.5 0.0 cm-1
2p3 2D4.5 26817.0 cm-1
2p3 2P2.5 40467.0 cm-1
2s1 2p4 4P5.5 119933.0 cm-1
2s1 2p4 2D4.5 165991.0 cm-1
2s1 2p4 2S0.5 195710.0 cm-1
2s1 2p4 2P2.5 212650.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3s 4P5.5 185402.0 cm-1
2p2(1d)3s 2D4.5 206972.0 cm-1
2p2(1s)3s 2S2.5 226851.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 4D9.5 206895.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 4P5.5 208431.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 4S1.5 212162.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 4F13.5 231429.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 4D9.5 232746.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 4P5.5 232511.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3s 2P2.5 189008.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 2S0.5 203942.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 2P2.5 214210.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3p 2D4.5 211636.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 2P2.5 233468.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 2D4.5 234434.0 cm-1
2p2(3p)3d 2F6.5 232889.0 cm-1

  L-resolved effective collision strengths for OII

  This file contains new effective collision strength data for all transitions
  amongst the 1-10 & 17 states (except 1-6,1-10 & 6-10) and has been compared
  to wjd92#o.dat.The indexing system has been updated to include two new 3s
  terms coming from different parents of the 2p2-3s configuration namely
  1s2-2s2-2p2(1D)3s(2D) & 1s2-2s2-2p2(1S)3s(2S) which appear as 9 & 10.

  Where 1994 data is available for a new transition we have added it,and
  where new data exists for other transitions we have updated them.If no new
  data exists we have retained the gammas from wjd92#o.dat.

  The new effective collision strengths were calculated using the Chebyshev
  polynomial summation NAG fortran library routine E02AEF.This was the
  procedure suggested by McLaughlin & Bell (1994)$Ap.J.Suppl.Ser.94:825!
  to reproduce their 11 state R-matrix calculation to within 1% in most
  cases and within 2% for the worst case.It utilises the coefficients for
  the Chebyshev polynomial fits supplied by them in Table 1 of the above

  New A values have been calculated for some transitions (see reference
  below) using the length values for the relativistic oscillator strengths
  given in Table.VI of Bell,Hibbert,Stafford & McLaughlin Physica.Scripta.
  vol.50,343(1994).Where no new data is available the wjd92#o.dat values
  have been retained.

  Radiative & Dielectronic recombination data from wjd92#o.dat unchanged.

                                          DH Brooks     22.11.94
  Radiative and dielectronic data moved to correct temperature position
  Indexing corrected.  new level 9, 10 recomb. data set to zero.



  • David Brooks
  • Processes
  • States
  • Comments
  • Origins

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