Iso-nuclear master files

Ionisation state determining coefficients driven by electrons interacting with dominant ions
ACD Effective recombination coefficients
SCD Effective ionisation coefficients
QCD Cross-coupling coefficients
XCD Parent cross-coupling coefficients
Ionisation state determining coefficient driven by hydrogen interacting with dominant ions
CCD Charge exchange effective recombination coefficients
Radiated power and emission coefficients driven by electrons interacting with dominant ions
PLT Line power driven by excitation of dominant ions
PRB Continuum and line power driven by recombination and Bremsstrahlung of dominant ions
PLS Line power from selected transitions of dominant ions
Radiated power coefficient driven by hydrogen interacting with dominant ions
PRC Line power due to charge transfer from thermal neutral hydrogen to dominant ions

The data sets provide a range of effective (collisional–radiative) coefficients which are required to establish the ionisation state of dominant ionic species and the radiative losses by these species, together with the energy balance of the free electrons, in a thermal plasma. Thus isonuclear master file data are split into a number of sub-classes as specified below.

ADF11 is a derived data format. All the coefficients depend on free electron temperature and density and are calculated by collisional–radiative models. Data at two levels of refinement are present, namely, `unresolved' (or `stage-to-stage' ) in which only ground states of ions are assumed to be dominant species and `metastable-resolved' in which both ground and metastable states of ions may be dominant. The former type are calculated with conventional collisional–radiative models and the latter by generalised-collisional–radiative (GCR) models. The data sub-classes QCD and XCD only apply in the GCR case. Also in the GCR case, the ion blocks in the sub-class data sets are subdivided for the different metastables. See Summers etal (2006) for the detailed theory and description of collisional–radiative modelling. Typical applications might be obtaining equilibrium ionisation balance fractional abundances, when only ACD and SCD are required, or solving 2-D impurity fluid dynamic transport models of tokamaks when ACD, SCD and CCD are required as source terms in the number conservation equation and a linear combination of ACD, SCD, PLT, PRB (giving the electron energy loss) as a source term in the electron energy equation.

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