
Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections

Temperature Range
5.213 eV → 5213 eV


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  • Spontaneous Emission: Fe+10(i) → Fe+10(j) + hv
  • Electron Impact Excitation: Fe+10(i) + e → Fe+10(j) + e
3s2.3p4 3p2 3P2.0 0.0 cm-1
3s2.3p4 3p1 3P1.0 11720.0 cm-1
3s2.3p4 3p0 3P0.0 13520.0 cm-1
3s2.3p4 1d2 1D2.0 38496.0 cm-1
3s2.3p4 1s0 1S0.0 80086.0 cm-1
3s.3p5 3p2 3P2.0 283561.0 cm-1
3s.3p5 3p1 3P1.0 289333.0 cm-1
3s.3p5 3p0 3P0.0 299166.0 cm-1
3s.3p5 1p1 1P1.0 367137.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 5d0 5D0.0 377255.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 5d1 5D1.0 377476.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 5d2 5D2.0 377818.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 5d3 5D3.0 378339.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 5d4 5D4.0 379374.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3d2 3D2.0 409099.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3d3 3D3.0 411187.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3d1 3D1.0 412706.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3f2 3F2.0 418230.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3f3 3F3.0 421358.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3f4 3F4.0 425605.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 1s0 1S0.0 426868.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3g3 3G3.0 443231.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3g4 3G4.0 444826.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3g5 3G5.0 446786.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 1g4 1G4.0 456198.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 1d2 1D2.0 464698.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3d1 3D1.0 481072.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3p0 3P0.0 483842.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3f3 3F3.0 484356.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3f4 3F4.0 485294.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3f2 3F2.0 485369.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3p1 3P1.0 486470.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3d2 3D2.0 488415.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3p2 3P2.0 495404.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 3d3 3D3.0 496159.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 1f3 1F3.0 527528.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3s1 3S1.0 530307.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3p2 3P2.0 549488.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 1p1 1P1.0 554152.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3p0 3P0.0 559725.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 3p1 3P1.0 563039.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 3d3 3D3.0 566376.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 3d2 3D2.0 573196.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(4s).3d 3d1 3D1.0 578221.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 1d2 1D2.0 587362.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2d).3d 1f3 1F3.0 611588.0 cm-1
3s2.3p3(2p).3d 1p1 1P1.0 642192.0 cm-1

  Data generated from CHIANTI version 6.0

  CHIANTI references

  Energy levels :
   %observed energy levels: NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 1.0,
     NIST Standard Reference Database 61, 1995.
   %observed energy levels (12,13,41): Jupen et al., MNRAS, 264, 627, 1993
   %theoretical energy levels 1-9: Gupta & Tayal, 1999, ApJ, 510, 1078
   %theoretical energy levels: Bhatia & Doschek 1996, ADNDT, 64, 183
   %comment: The third column of energies contains scaled superstructure values.
   %comment: Have had problems with the identification of some of the Fe XI
      lines. The following are proposed.

      Level 37 has been proposed as giving the 188.30 line (Jupen et
      al.). Don't think this is right, as the 3P2 - 3S1 transition is
      quite weak. Can not find any lines which correspond to the 3S1
      transitions, so have put the scaled superstructure value in.

      Level 38 (3P2) is identified from the strong line at 188.23.

      Level 39 (1P1) is identified as the strong line at 188.30.

      There's only one line from level 40 (3P0), whose identification
      I'm uncertain about (near 189.10 AA?). Have used the scaled
      superstructure energy relative to the 3P1 level.

      Level 41 (3P1) has been identified from the 184.704 line seen by
      Jupen et al., two other transitions from this level match up
      nicely with the 189.123 and 189.733 lines seen by Behring et
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   %  P.R. Young  Feb. 1996 & Enrico Landi Apr. 1999

  A-values levels :
   %filename: fe_11.wgfa
   %observed energy levels: NIST Database for Atomic Spectroscopy, Version 1.0,
     NIST Standard Reference Database 61, 1995.
   %observed energy levels (12,13,41): Jupen et al., MNRAS, 264, 627, 1993
   %theoretical energy levels 1-9: Gupta & Tayal, 1999, ApJ, 510, 1078
   %theoretical energy levels: Bhatia & Doschek 1996, ADNDT, 64, 183
   %A values: obtained from a 13 configuration model of Fe XI used in "superstructure",
   %comment: the configurations used were:

   	3s2 3p4, 3s 3p5, 3s2 3p3 3d, 3p6
   	3s2 3p3 {4s, 4p, 4d, 4f}
   	3s 3p4 3d, 3s2 3p2 3d2
   	3p5 3d, 3s 3p3 3d2, 3s2 3p 3d3

      The most striking difference between this model and the 4 conf
      model occurs for the (2D*) 3P1, 3S1 and 1P1 levels. Essentially,
      the 3S1 level is pushed closer to the other two levels,
      increasing the amount of interaction between them. The data
      below, from "superstructure" shows this.

      The first column gives the levels; the second and third the
      theoretical energies for the 4 conf model and the 13 conf model;
      the next three columns give the percentage contributions of the
      three levels to each other: "a/b" means a is percentage for 4
      conf model, while b is percentage for 13 conf model.

   				3S1	3P1	1P1
   	3S1	532878	547264	97/71	-/-	-/10
   	3P1	555764	553263	1/14	50/42	11/7
   	1P1	564755	542936 	-/12	21/16	17/16

      Clearly the change of energies gives rise to different
      interactions. Most notably, 1P1 starts mixing with 3S1, whereas
      it did not before
   %comment: The wavelengths for the transitions from level 37 have been changed to be
             consistent with the energy of level 37 in the third column of the .elvlc
             file (PRY 13-Nov-2008)
   %produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % Peter Young - Nov 2008

  Collision strengths :

   %filename: fe_11.splups
   %oscillator strengths: obtained from a SUPERSTRUCTURE calculation (see fe_11.wgfa for details)
   %effective collision strengths levels 1-9: Gupta & Tayal, 1999, ApJ, 510, 1081
   %collision strengths: Bhatia, A.K., Doschek, G.A., 1996, ADNDT, 64, 183
   %comment: effective collision strengths were provided in the temperature range 5.7 < Log T < 6.7
      Selected transitions have been fitted in order to reproduce the
      level balance of the complete collisional data. Essentially all
      significant collision strengths involving the levels 1-5 and

      This file contains fits to the SCALED Bhatia omega data. It was
      found that the 4 configuration collisional model does not
      accurately predict some important collision strengths, so it was
      decided to scale all the 3s2 3p2 - 3s2 3p 3d collision strengths
      (for which there was a corresponding oscillator strength) by the

   	(accurate "superstructure" oscillator strength)
   	     (original Bhatia oscillator strength)

      In particular, this improves the agreement of the 188.22, 188.30 lines
      with theory.
   % produced as part of the Arcetri/Cambridge/NRL 'CHIANTI' atomic data base collaboration
   % P.R.Young Aug 1997 and E.Landi Apr 1999

  Added to ADAS by

  Author : Martin O'Mullane
  Date   : 28/10/10


 Filtered adf04 file to 
  - sort energy levels 
  - remove non physical A values from
    energy level reversals
  - remove energies above ionisation potential
  - remove duplicate transitions

 Code     : ADAS utility program, filter04
 Date     : 28-10-2010
 Producer : Martin O'Mullane              


 Regenerated to use the standard ADAS temperature set.

 Update : Martin O'Mullane
 Date   : 28-10-2010


  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Processes
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  • Comments
  • Origins

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