
Resolved Specific Ion Data Collections

Temperature Range
2.757 eV → 276 eV


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  • Spontaneous Emission: Fe+7(i) → Fe+7(j) + hv
  • Electron Impact Excitation: Fe+7(i) + e → Fe+7(j) + e
3p63d(2d) 2D1.5 0.0 cm-1
3p63d(2d) 2D2.5 1836.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D0.5 385117.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D1.5 386029.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D2.5 387571.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D3.5 389849.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4g) 4G5.5 408287.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4g) 4G4.5 409895.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4g) 4G3.5 411900.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4p) 4P2.5 412945.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4g) 4G2.5 414070.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4p) 4P1.5 415964.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4p) 4P0.5 418173.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4f) 4F1.5 424038.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4f) 4F2.5 425317.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4f) 4F4.5 425897.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4f) 4F3.5 426733.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D2.5 430228.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F2.5 431250.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D1.5 432013.0 cm-1
3p64s(2s) 2S0.5 433540.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F3.5 434555.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P0.5 440344.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P1.5 445806.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2h) 2H5.5 446481.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F3.5 447658.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2g) 2G3.5 451232.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2g) 2G4.5 454098.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2h) 2H4.5 456493.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F2.5 459367.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D3.5 461691.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D2.5 463050.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D1.5 464977.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4d) 4D0.5 466839.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D1.5 483828.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D2.5 487784.0 cm-1
3p53d2(4s) 4S1.5 490366.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2s) 2S0.5 490369.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2g) 2G4.5 493551.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2g) 2G3.5 494249.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P1.5 508518.0 cm-1
3p64p(2p) 2P0.5 510277.0 cm-1
3p64p(2p) 2P1.5 515550.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P0.5 520822.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F2.5 535909.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2f) 2F3.5 541755.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P0.5 591964.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2p) 2P1.5 595152.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D2.5 596463.0 cm-1
3p53d2(2d) 2D1.5 597065.0 cm-1
3p64d(2d) 2D1.5 667186.0 cm-1
3p64d(2d) 2D2.5 667602.0 cm-1
3p64f(2f) 2F2.5 763703.0 cm-1
3p64f(2f) 2F3.5 763799.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4p) 4P0.5 826053.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4p) 4P1.5 828470.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4p) 4P2.5 833004.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2p) 2P0.5 837661.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2p) 2P1.5 842829.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4f) 4F4.5 844999.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4f) 4F3.5 847145.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4f) 4F2.5 849899.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4f) 4F1.5 852849.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2f) 2F3.5 855100.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2f) 2F2.5 860615.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4d) 4D3.5 874711.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4d) 4D2.5 876765.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4d) 4D1.5 877476.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(4d) 4D0.5 878264.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2d) 2D2.5 879021.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2d) 2D1.5 881345.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2f) 2F2.5 884331.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2f) 2F3.5 887325.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2d) 2D1.5 889113.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2d) 2D2.5 890845.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2p) 2P1.5 1032950.0 cm-1
3p53d4s(2p) 2P0.5 1032950.0 cm-1

        See: Griffin D C, Pindzola M S and Badnell N R, 2000 Astron.
             Astrophys. Suppl. Ser. 142 217 for a more complete
        From an ICFT R-Matrix close-coupling calculation that included the 33  
        terms and the 77 levels of the configurations 3p63d, 3p53d2, 3p53d4s,  
        3p64s, 3p64p, 3p64d, and 3p64f in the close-coupling expansion.        
        The 1s, 2s, 2p, 3s, 3p, and 3d orbitals were generated from a          
        configuration-average Hartree-Fock (CAHF) calculation on 3p53d2,       
        while the 4s orbital was generated from a CAHF calculation on          
        3p53d4s.  Finally the 4p, 4d, and 4f orbitals were generated from      
        CAHF calculations on 3p64p, 3p64d, and 3p64f, respectively.            
        For the J = 0 to 12 even and odd parity JPI partial waves, we          
        performed an R-Matrix calculation with exchange for the LSPI partial   
        waves from L = 0 to L = 14 and then transformed the K-matrices to      
        full intermediate coupling using the ICFT method.  For the higher      
        partial waves we performed a no-exchange LS R-Matrix calculation for   
        L = 11 to 50 with the long-range perturbations turned on and with      
        topup to generate JPI partial waves from J = 13 to J = 48.  The        
        continuum basis for these calculations was set to 27, the radius of    
        the R-matrix box was 8.02 a.u., and the maximum energy used in the     
        outer region part of the calculation was 600 eV.                       
        The level energies employed in the R-matrix calculation were not       
        adjusted from their theoretical values.  However, the energies listed  
        above have been adjusted to their experimental values, where known.    
        In addition, in order to keep the relative energies reasonable, we     
        reduced the energies of the 3p53d4s 4P levels and 3p53d4s 4F9/2 level  
        by the average difference between theory and experiment for the        
        3p53d4s 4F7/2, 3p53d4s 4F5/2, and 3p53d4s 4F3/2 levels.  Finally,      
        the highest two 3p53d4s 2P levels were adjusted down by the average    
        energy difference between theory and experiment for all the other      
        doublet terms of 3p53d4s.                                              
        The majority of the radiative rates were generated from                
        configuration-interaction calculations that included only the 5 even   
        levels and the 72 odd levels that were included in the close-coupling  
        expansion.  However, the radiative rates for the strong transitions    
        from the six highest levels of 3p53d2 2F, 2D, and 2F to the 3p63d      
        ground levels and the levels of 3p64f to the ground levels were        
        generated from extended configuration-interaction calculations.        
        They included the five even levels that were in the initial            
        calculation plus the levels of the configuration 3p43d3 that interact  
        strongly with the 3p63d ground levels; and the 72 odd levels that      
        were included in the initial calculation plus those levels of the      
        configuration 3p33d4 that interact strongly with the levels of         
        3p53d2 2F, 2D, and 2F, and those levels of the configuration 3p43d24f  
        that interact strongly with the levels of 3p64f.  Finally, the         
        radiative rates were also corrected for the energy adjustments         
        discussed in the paragraph above.                                      

        Donald C. Griffin                 May 18, 2000           


  • Don Griffin
  • Nigel Badnell
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