
Photon Emissivity Coefficients

Temperature Range
33.80 eV → 2.030 x 105 eV
Density Range
1.350 x 1011 cm-3 → 1.350 x 1025 cm-3


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WavelengthTransitionTypeDriving Population
1.21076Ån=5 2S24.5 → n=1 2S0.5Excitation 
1.23982Ån=4 2S15.5 → n=1 2S0.5Excitation 
1.30762Ån=3 2S8.5 → n=1 2S0.5Excitation 
1.54977Ån=2 2S3.5 → n=1 2S0.5Excitation 
5.53491Ån=5 2S24.5 → n=2 2S3.5Excitation 
6.1991Ån=4 2S15.5 → n=2 2S3.5Excitation 
8.36878Ån=3 2S8.5 → n=2 2S3.5Excitation 
16.3453Ån=5 2S24.5 → n=3 2S8.5Excitation 
23.9108Ån=4 2S15.5 → n=3 2S8.5Excitation 
51.6592Ån=5 2S24.5 → n=4 2S15.5Excitation 

  root partition information

  nuclear charge : 28
  ion charge+1   : 28

  population calculation information

  population processing code: ADAS208

  adf04 source file    : /home/adas/adas/adf04/copha#h/copha#h_bn#97ni.dat
  adf18/a17_p208 file  : No projection data included

  meta. ion. coeff. selector  : 

  options  : lnorm =T  lpsel =F  lzsel =F  liosel=T
           : lhsel =F  lrsel =F  lisel =F  lnsel =F

  energy levels

   lv      configuration    (2S+1)L(w-1/2)      energy (cm^-1)
  ---   ------------------- --------------      --------------
    1   n=1                    (2)0(  0.5)             0.0
    2   n=2                    (2)0(  3.5)      64525507.6
    3   n=3                    (2)0(  8.5)      76474675.7
    4   n=4                    (2)0( 15.5)      80656884.5
    5   n=5                    (2)0( 24.5)      82592649.7


  element symbol   : NI
  charge state : 27

  tabulation       : photon emissivity coefft (te,ne)
  units            : ph. emis coef(cm^3 s^-1); te (ev); ne (cm^-3)

  photon emissivity atomic transitions
   isel  wvlen(A)            transition                type  ispb nspb
                                                             ispp nspp sz    tg pr wr
  ----- ---------- ----------------------------------- ----- ---- ---- --    -- -- --
      1   1.21076    5(2)0( 24.5)-  1(2)0(  0.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     7  7  1
      2   1.23982    4(2)0( 15.5)-  1(2)0(  0.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     4  4  2
      3   1.30762    3(2)0(  8.5)-  1(2)0(  0.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     2  2  3
      4   1.54977    2(2)0(  3.5)-  1(2)0(  0.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     1  1  4
      5   5.53491    5(2)0( 24.5)-  2(2)0(  3.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     8  9  5
      6   6.19910    4(2)0( 15.5)-  2(2)0(  3.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     5  6  6
      7   8.36878    3(2)0(  8.5)-  2(2)0(  3.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     3  3  7
      8   16.3453    5(2)0( 24.5)-  3(2)0(  8.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     9 10  8
      9   23.9108    4(2)0( 15.5)-  3(2)0(  8.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27     6  5  9
     10   51.6592    5(2)0( 24.5)-  4(2)0( 15.5)       EXCIT   1    1  27    10  8 10

  CODE     : adas208
  PRODUCER : Martin O'Mullane
  DATE     : 17/03/16


  This file is intended to provide PEC data for elements not yet
  in the GCR framework. There may be a large variability in data
  quality between ionisation stages of the same element. The adf04
  file will indicate the source/quality of the fundamental data.
  Note that this file was not produced as part of the GCR Project. 
  No recombination or projection data is used - only the low
  levels (in the adf04 file) have been included in the collisional-
  radiative calculation.

  Check the adf15/pec96#/ directories to see if more complete
  data is available for this ionisation stage.



  • Martin O'Mullane
  • Transitions
  • Comments
  • Origins

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